

V-DAY Rory's Heart Garland

Hi Happy People,

It's finally February and that means … Valentines Day! 
I don't know about you dollies, but I love V-DAY. 
I love to give my friends a little 'home made' craft and of course I am going to show them to you! 
Here is the first tutorial of my Valentines Day Crafts. 
Rory is making her V-DAY Heart Garland.

This is a fun and easy way to decorate your dollie room!

You will need:
- 3 colors of felt
- yarn
- scissors

You can make the little hearts out of felt, like I did, or you can make them out of paper. I wanted to use white felt, but I couldn't find it. So I chose blue felt and I actually love how it turned out!

I braided three strings of my hot pink yarn and putted the hearts through the yarn. And you're done!

It looks so cute in our dollie room!

The hearts give your room a nice detail of some dollie love <3

I love to cuddle with my little Owl Love You! I made this craft last year for V-DAY and you can click here if you want to make it too.

Rory: "I am love how it turned out!"

I hope you liked this little Valentines Day craft!

Pretty Lilly - an American Girl