

Pretty Lilly's Christmas Room

Hi Happy People,
I wish I had a doll house. Maybe I can ask Santa… But I had a brilliant idea! Why don't make a little doll room under your desk! I have a pretty big desk in the attic, where my dollies live. So this is the result…! 

Let me give you a little tour (because it's a little room :D).
I put some wrapping paper on the wall and I placed a little cupboard and a bed at one side and on the other side I placed my kitchen!

Of course I placed the Christmas tree and a table with delicious treats.

In the kitchen I'm going to bake some cookies and I love the AG sprinkles.

What do you think about our bed? I made the pillows myself with felt and threat and a needle. I putted some silver threat in the xmas tree and I sewed some jingle bells on the xmas stocking!

Maddie and Caroline love to hang out on the cozy bed. Do you see the reindeer ears on Cooper? Too cute… Woof!

Caroline loves the snowflakes on her pillow. She likes to cuddle with it <3

I hope you'll make a doll room too under your desk! Please let me know.
I hope you enjoyed this little tour!

Lots of XMAS love,
Pretty Lilly - an American Girl


  1. This is fabulous! Great job with the decorations and designs. A perfect little studio apartment for your dolls!

  2. I think this is my favorite! I LOVE the cute hand-made pillows on the bed. And the Christmas tree looks great! Merry Christmas. :)

  3. Great Job! I wish i had room to do that! XD

  4. Your Christmas room is awesome Pretty Lilly!

  5. Great idea! Too bad my desk has a bar through the bottom.....
