

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Delicious Dinner Set

Hey Happy People,
I bought the Dinner Table and the Delicious Dinner Set from AG! It was expensive.... When I saw the box from the Delicious Dinner Set I thought: "That's a small box...."

This is the small box
But when I opened it..... looked great! I saw the strawberry-icecream, the plates and the lasagna slices! 
This is what it contains.

* 2 glasses
* 1 olive oil
* 1 pepper grinder
* 1 pitcher
* 1 shaker
and more....

* 2 plates
* 2 napkins
* 2 pieces bread
* 2 lasagna slices
* 1 pan
* 1 spatula
* 2 desserts
* 2 forks
* 2 spoons

I really like the lasagna slices, because you can't make it yourself and you see the layers! I like the salt very much too, because you can shake the salt in the bottle. And the pepper is very funny, because you can turn it around :D!

I know this is expensive,  but a lot of the stuff, you can't make yourself.
Marie and I would say....

It's *SO* delicious! Enjoy :D

See U later,
Pretty Lilly - an American Girl


  1. I like the lasagna very much! But I love ice cream for desert!
    XOXO Pretty Lilly - an American Girl
