

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I´m home again!

Hi happy followers! I´m back home again and it was awesome! Camp was so much fun.

We played a lot of fun games and I had a great time. We decorated our cabin with flags and posters and..... We got the first price for the cleanest and most beautiful cabin!!!!

This is where I slept and I decorated it with cute animal posters!

 We also got great weather, but one time it rained :(  We went to a little village and we went SHOPPING! I love shopping. I bougt some lovely stuff. We also went to the beach! It was such good weater, with the sun and the light spring breeze. Here are some pic's that one of my dollfriends made, I love the sea-background and the wind in my hair!

I build a sandcastle!
It was really fun on camp, but I think that home is just the best! And of course.... I missed you dollfriends and happy followers very, very, very much!

See you later!
Pretty Lilly - an American Girl

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